Be Awesome


How do you be awesome?

You just be it.

There’s no secret formula. There’s no rule book. There’s not even a website or a fan page.

You just be awesome.

Here’s the thing that we don’t all get.

Being awesome is a choice. It’s about being kind and considerate and compassionate, and generous (with your time, love etc.). Being awesome is about putting good things into the world, because good things bring good things.

Being awesome is about being bold, and daring and courageous and kick a**.

Being awesome is about doing things others would only think about doing, doing what you say you’re going to do, even when you don’t feel like it.

Being awesome is easy.

my daily routineAll you have to do is get out of bed.

Smile at a few strangers.

Be nice to the person who makes your coffee/tea in the morning.

Pay a compliment to someone, and mean it.

Ask someone for a hug. Just because.

Pay attention to the little things in life that bring you joy. Life is made up of a whole lot of little things. If we find joy in those, we can’t help but enjoy the hell out of life.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned thus far, is that if you love life, life will love you back.

No question.

Being awesome is easy.

Just be.

Rita xo